Monday, April 18, 2011

FREE sample of the Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Shampoo and Conditioner.

Click here to get a FREE sample of the new Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Shampoo and Conditioner.  I can't wait to give it a try!

Free Digilake's Computer Brush

To receive your Free Computer Brush with Digilake logo, simply complete your details below.

Free Booklet Filled with $10 in Coupon! ( Tide, Febreeze, Dreft, Bounce, and Downy!)

Head over HERE to request a free booklet filled with $10 in coupon! It’s hard to see what the details are on the coupons, but I see Tide, Febreeze, Dreft, Bounce, and Downy!

Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

Free Jordana Lip Gloss - Begins 4/19 At 12:01am EST

Sign up for your free Jordana lip gloss from Seventeen magazine. Contest begins on April 19th at 12:01 am EST. Go to (link will not work until contest opens) and enter the code *glossy* to receive 1 free Jordana Lip Out Loud Super Shiny Lip Gloss. 10,000 lip glosses will be given away!
*NOTE* Must be female and between the ages of 13 and 29 to qualify. No purchase (subscription) necessary to enter, so be sure to click the link that says “click here” under “no purchase necessary” at the top of the form unless you want to subscribe.
