Saturday, July 30, 2011

Getting Freebies 101

Here is a list of List tips to help you out if you are just starting out with Freebies

1.       If you are new to freebies I Highly suggest you create a new email address to be used strictly for free samples, This way you will not clog up your personal one. 

2.       Please be careful of spam sites. They are getting harder and harder to spot but a good rule of thumb is if they want you to participate in other offers AVOID.

3.       If you see a freebie that you are interested on click on the link, It will take you to their page where you will have to fill out a form. Name, address and etc

4.        I Recommend Get Google Voice. Google Voice you can pick out your own number and use it for your Freebies, this way you can screen calls and you have them Operators calling you. Google Voice has opt to text, call and you have a voicemail. Its just a normal phone.

5.       Please allow anywhere from 3-8 weeks for your freebies to arrive in your mailbox. Some will take longer. Usually the site you got the freebie from will tell you when to expect it. 

6.       There are other freebie sites that offer you wonderful things (Free IPods, Free computers, Free Cell Phones) remember if it’s too good to be true then it probably is. 
Some sites will do a giveaway for their members please read the giveaway and make sure what they are offering is legit and that you trust the site. There are many wonderful sites not only on FB but the web that will host giveaways for their members.

7.       Live Giveaways-Live Giveaways are usually the FULL sized Products. Here is what I Suggest: When I post it the 1st time go to that site and register or "Like" the site PRIOR to the giveaway. It will save you tons of time when the freebie goes LIVE. LIVE giveaways are very popular and usually results in thousands waiting to grab the freebie. The item usually is gone within minutes or some even seconds, I recommend to go to the LIVE giveaway anywhere from 2-3 minutes early and keep hitting the REFRESH button. As soon as the form pops up quickly fill out all the information.

8.       I recommend get Auto-Fill, It Saves time! I use Google Chrome browser because it has autofill on it! If you don’t like Google Chrome or doesn’t work you can using a program called RoboForm. All you have to do in Auto-Fill is one click and all your information is put into the form for you. Very Easy, Simple and Fast which is what we all like plus when you are fast you have the chance of getting that Freebie!

9. Email Subscribe to your Favorite Blogs! This is a great way to never miss a freebie!! You will get a Email everyday they post something on there Blog! Its Usually Very Easy to Subscribe, Just Type in your Email Address!

10. BookMark Your Favorite Blogs! This way you can always Find them Quick and Easy!   


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